Thoughts and Faith to Share

Marches and Walks for Life

The MARCH FOR LIFE in Washington, D.C. is the collective effort of grassroots prolife Americans to assure that our laws protect the right to life of each human being. An important step is adoption of a Mandatory HUMAN LIFE AMENDMENT to the Constitution of the United States. Such an amendment would require that individuals and society provide protection for the right to life of each human being in existence at fertilization. It would require that State laws conform to the Constitution and provide the same protection. Thus, the Life Principles provide guidance and purpose for the task of the grassroots prolife volunteers in their efforts through an effective education and lobbying program.

These Life Principles express the ideals motivating prolife Americans and indicate the purpose of the MARCH FOR LIFE:

  • We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all human beings are created equal and are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, among which is the right to life, and
  • The right to life of each human being shall be preserved and protected by every human being in the society and by the society as a whole, and
  • The life of each human being shall be preserved and protected from that human being's biological beginning when the Father's sperm fertilizes the Mother's ovum, and
  • The life of each human being shall be preserved and protected from the biological beginning throughout the natural continuum of the human being's life by all available ordinary means and reasonable efforts and
  • The life of each human being shall be preserved and protected at each stage of the life continuum to the same extent as at each and every other stage regardless of state of health or condition of dependency, and
  • The life of each human being shall be preserved and protected to the same extent as the life of each and every other human being regardless of state of health or condition of dependency, and
  • When there is any doubt that there exists a human being’s life to preserve and protect, such doubt shall be resolved in favor of the existence of a human being, and
  • When two or more human beings are in a situation in which their lives are mutually endangered, all available ordinary means and reasonable efforts shall be used to preserve and protect the life of each and every human being so endangered.
  • Wherefore, Pursuant to these Principles, we recommend and urge the adoption of a Mandatory Human Life Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America.

Yes, abortion hurts women and they do deserve better. And that message must be proclaimed and doing so can be very helpful in our efforts to change minds and hearts. But I believe that a march or walk for life on or near the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade should adopt the same purpose as that stated above for the March For Life conducted in our nation's capitol. There are hundreds of other days during the year from which we can choose to focus on other messages. In fact, that's what many sidewalk counselors do on a regular basis. The anniversary of Roe vs. Wade is a day to mourn the loss of millions of American children's lives and the soul of our nation. And a day on which to plead on behalf of those yet at risk. It should be a day of solidarity. We should be walking in step with each other no matter how many miles separate us.

There is no better cause on earth than to defend the absolutely defenseless!

See Right to Life Act.

Why "Children" rather than "Babies"? Because, for some, "children" may more effectively connote the "personhood" of the young life in the womb and the vitality of that person as well.

Why "Birth" rather than "Life"? Because the unborn child is already alive and awaiting her/his birthday.

So these three little words make three profound statements:

1) The occupant of a pregnant woman's womb is not a "product of conception" or "blob of tissue" or "wad of cells" - she/he is a "person".

2) That person has "the right to life".

3) That "life" already exists and no one has a right to exterminate it.

Children Deserve Birth