Thoughts and Faith to Share

Bishop Serratelli: A Politician’s Promise: No Right to Life! No Freedom!

Bishop Serratelli:

“When a ruler can decide against God’s law, true freedom is sentenced to death.”

“Recently, a politician made a promise. Politicians usually do. If this politician fulfills his promise, not only will many of our freedoms as Americans be taken from us, but the innocent and vulnerable will spill their blood.”

“Along with 108 members of Congress, the present democratic candidate for President continues his strong support for the Freedom of Choice Act. In a speech before the Planned Parenthood Action Fund last year, he made the promise that the first thing he would do as President would be to sign the Freedom of Choice Act. What a choice for a new President!”

“We choose our leaders who make our laws. Every vote counts. Today, either we choose to respect and protect life, especially the life of the child in the womb of the mother or we sanction the loss of our most basic freedoms. At this point, we are still free to choose!

Click her to read A Politician’s Promise: No Right to Life! No Freedom! by Bishop Serratelli